
Meet Ms. Amy, studio owner & teacher

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 by Amy Clovis | Uncategorized

When I was 14 years old, music helped me through...

I was in high school and my brother had just moved 4 hours away, and both my parents worked, which left me a "latch key kid", I got off the bus, walked the half mile home and let myself in, made my own snacks and had no one to talk to or hang out with....except...that very large, dark brown piano in the corner of the livingroom....

And that is how is spent my time after school and those two summers for 2 years until I was old enough to drive and get a job.  Why am I sharing this? Well for two reasons, first had I not had piano in my life, who knows what trouble I would have found...and piano has always been there as an escape from stress in my life (I was really, really sad my brother had moved away).  And little did I know the bonus....I excelled in my skills during this time and came out a much better piano player. 

How has music touched your life?  You don't need to play to experience it, that's the great part about music...

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